Copyright 2024 by Cape EMS Berhad | 199901026859 (501759-M)

Terms of Use

Use of CAPE’s Websites (“Terms Of Use”)

These terms of use govern how you can use websites owned by CAPE EMS Berhad and its related companies and/or affiliates (collectively as "CAPE’s Group"), which have a link to these rules (referred to as "CAPE Websites"). These rules do not apply to Websites not owned by CAPE, even if CAPE's sites link to them, unless stated otherwise. When you use CAPE Websites, you agree to follow these rules and CAPE's Privacy Policy.
CAPE may at any time they deem it, update these rules in order to adapt with new technology, legal changes, and good business practices. You can always see the latest versions of these rules on CAPE Websites. If CAPE changes them, and you keep using the sites, it means you agree to the new rules. If you do not agree and are not satisfied with CAPE Websites, you should exit, leave this website and stop using them immediately.
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