Copyright 2024 by Cape EMS Berhad | 199901026859 (501759-M)

Cape Group Announces Commitment to Triple Bottom Line: Planet, People and Profit

At Cape EMS Berhad and its subsidiaries, we are proud to announce our unwavering commitment to sustainability and ethical practices through the principles of the Triple Bottom Line, emphasizing Planet, People and Profit. These core values guide our strategies, operations, and aspirations, ensuring that we create value not only for our shareholders but for society and the environment as well.

Governance, Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency (GIAT)

Our commitment to promoting and maintaining the Core Values of Governance, Integrity, Accountability, and Transparency (“GIAT”) is reflected in all our business activities, dealings, relationships, and operations. As a recognized and reputable Electronic Manufacturing Services (“EMS”) contract manufacturer, we have a responsibility to put sustainability at the heart of our business strategy through pioneering leadership roles, operations, and the EMS provided.

Letter from Our CEO



Looking Ahead

At Cape, we remain focused on our commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2040 and do our part to advance climate action, even as we evaluate the impact of energy-intensive end markets and the increased power consumption requirements across our footprint. One major growth area for Cape moving forward is in our circular economy solutions. As our customers focus on their climate commitments and become increasingly interested in how their products are repaired, refurbished, and recycled, we are excited to help them develop and implement tailored circular solutions to prolong a product’s life and shift from a take, make, and waste approach. In this coming year and beyond, we will continue our disciplined approach to building and sustaining momentum toward our sustainability targets while keeping a pulse on trends transforming the sustainability landscape, including new reporting standards, and seeking ways to embed transparency and accountability at all levels of the organization. For example, we linked Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) goals to executive compensation starting in our fiscal year 2023, demonstrating our leadership team’s commitment to sustainability. As always, I extend a heartfelt thank you to our Cape employees, suppliers, and partners for your ongoing dedication and appreciate your interest in our sustainability journey. Making progress to help improve the world requires deep collaboration and shared responsibility, and we could not do it without your continued support.

Christina Tee

This letter from the CEO page is structured to reflect the sustainability initiatives and future commitments of Cape EMS Berhad, as outlined in the provided document and the updated information.


Sustainability Governance

The Board of Directors holds the highest authority over the Group’s sustainability strategy and governance, reviewing and approving all sustainability-related policies and initiatives. The Sustainability and Risk Management Committee (“SRMC”) assists the Board in overseeing the Group’s management of key sustainability matters, reviewing and highlighting key sustainability performance, progress, and challenges to the Board. In carrying out its responsibilities to oversee the identification and assessment of risks facing the business, the SRMC also considers sustainability matters including health and safety, data governance and privacy, and climate-related risks. The Group Chief Executive Officer leads the implementation of sustainability strategies approved by the Board and works together with the Group Sustainability Oversight Committee (“GSOC”), which is entrusted by the SRMC with the duty to execute the Group’s sustainability strategies and initiatives covering economic as well as the three main pillars of sustainability which are environmental, social, and governance as well as embedding sustainability practices into the Group.

Reporting Framework, Scope, and Boundary

Cape is pleased to present its Sustainability Statement outlining the Group’s Environmental, Social, and Governance (“ESG”) principles, commitment, and performance of sustainability-related matters. This Statement communicates the Group’s journey towards embedding sustainability in the business and daily operations whilst considering the interests of our stakeholders and business growth. The scope of this Statement covers the sustainability practices of Cape and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, namely Cape Manufacturing(M) Sdn Bhd (“Cape Manufacturing”) and Cape Holdings (S) Pte Ltd (“Cape Singapore”), covering both financial and non-financial aspectsfor the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, including comparative historical data where available.

Cape Group

Where Planet, People and Profit Thrive Together.

Report Quality and Assurance
This Statement has not been subjected to an assurance process. The data reported in this Statement has been internally sourced and verified by the respective business units or information owners. The Group shall continue to strengthen its data collection and analysis procedures to enhance the quality and accuracy of its data.
Our Commitment and Vision for the Future
At Cape, we prioritize and deliver on commitments made to our valued customers, partners, shareholders, employees, communities, and governments. Our objective is to ensure and contribute to the well-being and success of these stakeholders by regularly engaging in honest and transparent communications. We believe that growing engagement with our stakeholders sets us up for increased performance, new business, and greater opportunities for innovation and creative solutions. We aim to exemplify best-in-class sustainability. Through partnerships with our customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders, we’re able to influence real change within our business and industry. Our partners also play a huge role in helping us to collect, measure, and report on relevant data and information concerning ESG issues. Their support is critical to our reporting transparency efforts, accurately disclosing data, and keeping our stakeholders up-to-date with our progress. As we move forward, we will continue to integrate the principles of the Triple Bottom Line into every aspect of our business. Our vision is to be a leader in sustainability, setting a benchmark for others to follow. By doing so, we will not only secure the success of Cape Group but also contribute to a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable world. We invite our stakeholders, partners, and community members to join us on this journey toward a sustainable future. Together, we can achieve remarkable things, ensuring that our legacy is one of positive impact and enduring success.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to make great products for our customers that create value and improve people’s lives. At Cape EMS Berhad, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality, reliable products that meet and exceed the expectations of our customers. We believe that our success is inherently tied to the success and satisfaction of those who use our products. We place a strong emphasis on innovation, continuously investing in advanced technologies and sustainable practices. This not only allows us to stay at the forefront of our industry but also ensures that we are contributing to a more sustainable future. By integrating cutting-edge solutions, we are able to create products that are not only efficient and effective but also environmentally friendly. Our commitment extends beyond just the products we create. We aim to make a positive impact on the communities we serve. This includes supporting local economies through job creation, participating in charitable donations, and engaging in community programs that foster growth and development. We understand that our responsibilities as a company reach far beyond our immediate business goals. Employee well-being is also a cornerstone of our purpose. We strive to provide a workplace that is safe, inclusive, and supportive, ensuring that every team member has the opportunity to grow and thrive. By promoting a culture of respect and continuous improvement, we are able to foster a work environment that encourages innovation and excellence. Ultimately, our goal is to create value not just for our customers, but for society as a whole. We are committed to making products that improve lives, drive progress, and contribute positively to the world. Through our dedication to quality, sustainability, and community engagement, we aim to build a legacy of excellence and social responsibility.
Our Values
Our Ways of Working
ESG Management Systems
Alignment and Implementation Cape EMS Berhad’s ESG strategy is aligned with global standards such as the GRI Standards, SASB metrics, and TCFD guidelines, supporting the UN SDGs. Our Board of Directors oversees the sustainability strategy and governance, ensuring alignment with long-term objectives. The Group Chief Executive Offcer (CEO) and the Group Sustainability Oversight Committee (GSOC) are responsible for executing the sustainability strategies and initiatives across the organization.

Evaluation of the System To ensure the effectiveness of our ESG management system, we regularly conduct internal audits and reviews. The Sustainability and Risk Management Committee (SRMC) monitors key sustainability performance, progress, and challenges, providing oversight and recommending improvements. We also engage in continuous data collection and analysis to measure our progress against established ESG goals and objectives.

Training and Integration We provide comprehensive training programs to our employees to ensure they understand and can implement our ESG policies and practices. This includes health and safety training, anti-bribery and corruption training, and training on our Code of Conduct and Ethics (CoCE). By integrating ESG considerations into our daily operations and decision-making processes, we promote a culture of sustainability and ethical behavior throughout the organization.
This detailed approach ensures that Cape Ems Berhad’s ESG Management system is robust, transparent, and continuously improving, aligning with global best practices and contributing positively to the environment, society, and governance.
Safety and Sustainability Highlights for Cape EMS Berhad
ISO 37001:2016 Certification:
Achieved in June 2023 for Anti-Bribery Management Systems.
No Incidents of Corruption:
Maintained zero incidents of corruption from FYE2021 to FYE2023.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC) Policy:
Revised on 15th March 2023, promoting zero tolerance towards bribery.
Training on Anti-Corruption: Management:
82% in FYE2023
Whistleblowing Policy:
Provides a channel for reporting unethical practices.
24% in FYE2023
Non-Executive/Technical Staff:
8% in FYE2023
These highlights illustrate Cape EMS Berhad’s commitment to safety, employee development, environmental sustainability, and ethical business practices.

Our ESG Strategy

Governance Structure
Cape EMS Berhad’s sustainability strategy is integral to our business vision. Our Board of Directors holds the highest authority over our sustainability strategy and governance, ensuring that all policies and initiatives align with our long-term objectives. The Sustainability and Risk Management Committee (SRMC) assists the Board in managing key sustainability matters, highlighting performance, progress, and challenges.

We are committed to embedding sustainability into every aspect of our business. Our strategy focuses on creating a positive impact on the environment, society, and our business operations. We have adopted a robust ESG management system to ensure consistent implementation across all our sites.

Cape EMS Berhad is dedicated to integrating sustainability into every facet of our business, ensuring that we create value for our stakeholders while making a positive impact on the world. Through our comprehensive ESG strategy, robust governance structure, and continuous stakeholder engagement, we are committed to achieving our sustainability goals and driving long-term success.
These detailed key highlights reflect Cape EMS Berhad’s comprehensive efforts and successes in driving sustainability across various aspects of the business, from employee engagement and environmental stewardship to ethical governance and customer satisfaction
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